The Online College Degree Programs offered at Florida University.
Yes. You just have to pass the first degree then you can start the second.
You can contact our verified offices in your country.
We will check your desired major then we will get back to you.
Fees start as low as $300. To view the complete details of the different degree packages kindly click here.
This website does not allow ordering online. The payment has to be done through our verified offices because Florida University of Science does not deal directly with students.
Ordering at Florida University is a simple process and usually takes only a couple days to complete.
As all the degrees provided at University are fully accredited and recognized worldwide, you will be allowed to use all the professional titles and post nominal letters according to your degree, such as MBA, PhD, etc.
We provide 1 set of certificates in every degree package we offer. However, if you'd like to order extra sets of certificates, you can do so through our online form.
If the country where you intend to use your documents is a member of the Hague Convention, you need an apostille service on your documents. If your country is not listed, you can avail our embassy legalization service. Please get back to the agencies in your country.